
Exclusive clothing has been manufactured for prime ministry bodyguards

13 March 2015 by in News

The clothing of the members of the Turkish Prime Ministry Security Department motorcade, accompanying Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been changed.

The new clothes of the members of the motorcade accompanying Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan to the AK Party Headquarters today caught the attention of the media members. The greatest feature of these clothes that are produced with nano technology is their resistance to rain and fire. The new clothes also provide protection against wind in cold weather, and attract the eye with their luminosity at night.

The clothes include the names and the blood types of their owners as a precaution to possible accidents. The clothes are not only stylish but also bulletproof just like steel armor. They are currently only used by the motorized security teams. The individually tailored clothes were not produced in overseas, but in Yozgat. The motorized teams we will get used to seeing in this look throughout the winter first wore them for TRT.

While the motorized teams may serve 24/7 at the front row of the convoy of Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, they generally accompany the domestic travels of the Prime Minister. The teams, whose main goal is to ensure the security of the traffic, do not attend the overseas programs of Erdoğan.

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