EN 469 standard Level I(X1 Y1 Z1) or Level II (X2 Y2 Z2). Outer fabric (Aramid / Polybenzimidazole etc.) Provides high performance with a multi-layered fabric structure including Moisture Barrier (Aramid – Malamin based PTFE or PU membrane), Thermal Barrier (Aramid non-woven) and Lining (Aramid Viscose / 100% Aramid). Since the highest risk that the user faces is heat stress, the fabric components are extremely important. Thus the compliance of each of these components to EN 469 Protective Clothing for Firefighters has to be tested. The manufacturing of clothing increases protection by scaling based on the individual – size not only through the structure of the fabric, but also through the professionalism of the collection.


Produced as a single-layer overall.. The inner layers are detachable from the outer layer with snap fasteners. The back is hooded to improve ability of movement. Elbows and knees are reinforced. Reinforcement is made using an aramid-based fabric. The wrist section included Aramid bilke protection. All accessories are flameproof. In the wrist areas and lower parts of the pants, aramid-based anti-wicking fabric is used to prevent liquid leaks. There are reflective stripes (yellow-green-yellow) and prints to improve visibility based on EN 20471.

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